What is currently keeping you from living your life as creatively as you want to be?

    a girl pillaging a unicorn horn

    Hey there! We help driven creatives write their own story 😀

    "I know in my bones
    there's more to life..."

    — Everyone who feels like normal life is a cheese grater to the forehead

    teacher scolding two kids

    You struggle to be creative because you've always heard "you can't."

    You're afraid if you pursue creativity professionally, you'll end up broke in a gutter.

    an old car broken down
    guy looking stressed on a computer

    So, you became a cubicle monkey in the mistaken belief you'd have time and energy to do what you love on the side.

    Raise your hand if you're a Unicorn Writer ✋

    a new horn

    Recent Graduate

    You want to find a job that uses and celebrates your creative gifts or gives you the stability and security to pursue your craft on your own time. 

    a striped horn

    Working Professional

    You want to make a living using your creative talents without “selling out” for a paycheck. You need space to celebrate your creative side while still making money. 

    a horn with stars and moons on it

    Business Owner

    You’re amazing at your craft, but feel lost when you hear words like “branding” or “messaging.” You want to speak directly to your perfect audience and grow your clientele, brand awareness and profit. 

    a happy girl looking at a computer smiling

    "Creative" doesn't mean "impractical." Creativity is the foundation of growth and progress. Every industry, job and business needs creativity to thrive.

    a book stabbed with a horn

    The pen is mightier

    The written word is still one of the most important tools for reaching and engaging with audiences, customers and communities. We all want to make a difference, but knowing how makes it possible.


    Stories are everything

    Stories are how we experience every part of our lives. By harnessing the power of story and applying it to our work, we tap into the most powerful tool in existence for influencing human behavior.

    salt shaking onto a block

    Creativity isn't just for Van Gogh

    Being creative is about finding better answers and reaching greater heights. It’s not just for artists and poets, its essential for marketing and communication.

    It's easier than ever to learn what you need to know

    Your future is a blank page, what will you write?

    When I first tried getting into copywriting, I had no idea what I was doing, and had very little confidence that I could make a career out of it. Alden’s course was a fantastic resource to get me started!

    Andy C.

    When I started, I didn’t know a best practice from a poor one, and this course has saved me loads of time and wasted effort!

    Emma B.

    Unicorn Writer gave me a second chance during an exceptionally challenging time in my life. After I got laid off, I thought I had no hope for a promising career. Alden changed my mind.

    Ashley M.

    Free Resources

    More than just a pretty phrase

    My greatest joy is my family — but my second greatest joy is helping people realize their value and change their lives. One of my favorite ways to do this is through speaking and seminars. Book me today for your event, seminar or training. Forecast: wordy with a chance of puns.

    I'm Alden, Founder of Unicorn Writer

    You should be super proud of me because I resisted putting this section further up the page. If there’s one thing you’ll learn from me, it’s to stop talking about yourself!

    That being said, here’s a little self-indulgence on my part. I’m a freelance copywriter + marketing strategist with 12 years of experience. I’m a toddler mom to a growing “three-nager”, wife to a hardworking engineer, and pet-mama to a rescue husky who’s continually betrayed by the Southern heat (I live in Alabama).

    I also mentor and support new copywriters to help them build a profitable, fulfilling freelance copywriting businesses while still having time for what they want most —  more time with their families, the ability to pursue their passions, or simply getting out of unhealthy, low-paid work situations.

    If you’ve been looking for help getting your writing career off the ground, I genuinely want to help and I have proof that I can. Let’s start the next “phrase” of your life, together. 😀
